Day #24 – Canh cua – Crab Soup

Day 24 – Com Bin Dan (Affordable rice for the people)- Canh cua – Crab Soup

This leafy crab soup is comprised of a handful of Malabor Spinach and a topping of ground crab. The aroma is light and this dish is warming and slightly filling. You get to fill exceptionally healthy as you down the broth and good scooping of spinach. Major Danger loves this dish demanding it by saying “Drink!… Driiinnk!”

Interesting enough this is one of the dishes Vietnamese consider soups. It is merely broth meat and vegetable. When you add something like noodles it ceases to be a soup and becomes something else. So all of the Pho’s and Bun’s and Mien’s that we know in love are not considered soups by the Vietnamese but an entirely different type of dish.DSC00342.JPG